Exploring the World of Coffee

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Many of us rely on coffee to get our mornings started and keep us alert throughout the day. But have you ever wondered where this delicious beverage originates from? Continue reading for a bit of history, health benefits, and fun facts!

Belgian Waffles: Are They Really Belgian?

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We all know and love Belgian waffles, whether we eat them for dessert or as a sweet treat for breakfast. We’re talking about a bit of history along with some fun facts on one of our favorite breakfast foods!

Diner or Bakery Café? We’re Both at Classic Kitchen


When you head out to get some breakfast, either on your own or with friends, you have to decide what kind of breakfast place you want to eat at. Do you want to go to a diner or a bakery cafe? What if everyone you’re eating with can’t agree?

A Closer Look at Eggs Benedict


Eggs Benedict is a classic breakfast dish that consists of an English muffin topped with Canadian bacon or ham, a poached egg, and a hollandaise sauce. Most believe that the dish originated in the late 1800s in New York City. While the exact origin of the dish is not entirely clear, there are a few […]